First there was Point Seclusion but the leader was steadilly becoming a dick-head and a spamer. The reserves created a site called flash armory which was destroyed by the evil mod larry the viking king. We have created the site at this address if you would like to join or dont know what happened to the site: s/index.php. The main people of the site are :
larry the viking king
skylinegodzilla or sky as we call him
XC or captain awesome
me (but not a mod or admin, just a very active poster and such)
and danov (no link) (also just a very active poster and such)
Larry is a pretty funny guy and although strict with the rules of the forum, he often bends them himself.
Sky is a very good coder and is a good flash maker as well. He is awesome help and fun to talk to. P.S he has a PS3.
Ship is a great moderator and between u and me seems like a PMSing 13 year old, although is often funny as well.
XC is an average newgrounder, loves cock jokes, is good at flash and he is also a pretty easygoing mod, although he does sometimes lock topics for the lols.
Great artist with flash and has many prestigiuas awards for his talents. Likes to start collabs. Hes a pretty good guy although he is hardly ever on the site.
Geco will kill you with his army of gecos if he doesnt like you. He is a Mod.
Mario is a mod who likes mario. END OF STORY.
I3ungee is a great coder but he hardly comes on the site and i have little to never talked to him personally.
MonkeyLord (me) is just a guy who likes to post a lot and i do my best on flash, even if it turns out to be crap.
DanOV is the creator of the tutorial collab and is a cool guy although gets banned because he is eager for posts.
Thata all you need to know.
Who's DA MAN who IS DA MAN!