Not yet, Im going to buy Fash equipmet for Xmas.
Warning: i may contain excesive violence, mild adult themes, explicit text, and explicit audio. I got myself flash. check out the ^^^pic.^^^^ i drew it myself.
Age 29, Male
a bad flash animator
u dont get to know
Joined on 4/1/08
Not yet, Im going to buy Fash equipmet for Xmas.
I have one its pretty good, i would buy one, do u have a x bow 360?
no Xbox, but thanks for the feedback.
it comes with free online play, an internet browser, and its going to get an update that will allow you to have gamer points and unlock achievements just like the 360. it also doesnt break or overheat.
it comes with a free wireless controller and the controller has sixaxis which allows you to control your game like the wii.
i have one, totally worth it.
awesome, thanks for the knoowlege.
i dont have it but i have the xbox
360 or just normal??
your just a foolish mortal... uh... well... foolish mortal... i guess.
Get a 360, even though its free to play online with PS3, Microsoft makes the best Multiplayer games.
I'm not gay.
im gonna get a PS3. I thought you were gay because of your pic and you have fab.
get it for mgs4. also, the wii is gay. very very gay.
planin on geting metal gear solid 4, and i know its gay
i got XBOX360 and now im trying to get PS3
greedy bastard, not mention your a copycay
Buy one!! Playing online is free.
i am